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Keeping Stink Bugs OUT!!!

Help Keep Stink bugs OUT!!!

These seemingly harmless little bugs can create a real nuisance for homeowners.  In this post we will discuss some of the tips and tricks to keep these pests out of your home.
Stink Bug

If you have not seen one of these, they are called a brown stink bug, and they are an invasive species from Asia. While these pests have caused thousands in crop damage to farmers, they pose more of a hassle for the everyday homeowner. If you kill them inside your home, you will not only learn quickly why they are called stink bugs, you will start seeing more of them in pretty short order. Much like when a bee stings someone it releases a pheromone to attract more bees, a similar process happens when a stink bug is squished. The odor released will attract even more of them! So, the first important tip with these bugs is when you see one, carefully capture it in a tissue or cup and release it outside.

But more importantly, we all want to keep these pests out of our home in the first place. Below is a short list of methods that will help keep them out. While no method is perfect, we have found that most people can greatly reduce or even eliminate the stink bugs from coming in. Further, these solutions do not rely on the use of insecticides or dangerous chemicals, so they will be safe to use in homes with kids and pets.

1. Ultrasonic pest Deterrent

These small devices plug into any outlet and emit a high pitched ultra high frequency noise that repels pests. These use very little energy and are completely harmless to most domestic pets. As an additional benefit, these also repel a variety of other pests including insects and even mice. One important thing to note with the ultrasonic devices, if you have small pets such as hamsters or guinea pigs, they could be bothered by the noise the devices emit.  When using these to repel stink bugs, you want to place them as close as possible to where you believe the bugs are coming into the home. Usually this is around windows and doors.
Ultrasonic Repellent

2. Reduce inside lighting

Stink bugs can be attracted to bright lights, especially lights that put out heat, such as incandescent or halogen bulbs. If you have bright light sources near where you believe the stink bugs are coming in, try turning that light off or relocating it. If neither of those alternatives are possible, consider a light source with a cooler bulb such as LED or CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light).
Light Bulbs

3. Use a Diffuser with Peppermint or Eucalyptus

I personally am a big proponent of using Essential oils, and as a pest deterrent they can be quite effective. Running a diffuser with peppermint or eucalyptus oil, will help to detour the stink bugs from your home.  Just as with the other treatments, be sure to place the diffuser in the area you believe they are coming in. As an added benefit, your home will smell nice and fresh all day!

4. Cotton balls and Tea Tree oil

This particular trick seems to be one of the most effective. Simply dab a cotton ball with a small amount of tea tree oil and place the cotton balls near entry points of the bugs, i.e., doors, windows etc.  The smell of the oil repels them and will help keep them out!
Tea Tree Oil

We at Expert Home Inspections hope you have found these tips helpful! Please check out the rest of our blog and our resources page for more tips and advice for homeowners at


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